Currently, as the end of Summer approaches, many of us will be pulled in many more directions as our various duties and responsibilities return. Acupuncturists view this time of year and name it "Duo Yuo", a time of change generally moving from one season to another. Greater amounts of opportunity are available during times of transition. It is important to clarify parts of life that add vital energy, and the aspects that deplete the best parts of our mind, spirit or body. Simply put, what adds to your bucket and what aspect of life drains from your bucket and, are they in balance?
Imagine a Wave
Taking a deep breath simply means inhaling by filling your lungs to capacity, and letting your diaphragm contract. On a day to day basis, deep breathing can be used as a tool for a variety of ailments such as reducing stress levels, stabilizing blood pressure, increasing lung strength, and improving oxygen levels throughout the body. Deep breathing methods have been created to undergo fantastic feats and might even be a contributing factor towards curing diseases.
Gratitude as Medicine
In recent years, many studies have concluded the benefits to both mental and physical health by simply recognizing, verbalizing and/or demonstrating gratitude. Positive outcomes from these studies show decreased levels of anxiety and depression, better sleep, stronger relationships (romantic, workplace and familial) and better heart rate variability
We're Moving!
Thanks for joining us for the 4th Annual Sandsations. We had a blast with everyone who came out to play at the beach. There was a lot of really great creativity on display, and you helped us support a wonderful non-profit Birth Roots!
A big thanks to everyone who came out for Portland Trails Trail to Ale 10k Race/Walk. This was our second year providing pre-race as well as post-race yoga & massage. It was great to see so many of our friends out there participating.
We're excited to let you know that our big move is going along swimmingly. We've made some really terrific progress. The new location is looking beautiful and we can't wait to share it with all of you. Here's a sneak preview:
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Our New Space is Coming Together.
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We Can't Wait to See You at our New Location.
September is National Yoga Month. Are you doing something to celebrate? It doesn't matter how you practice or what kind of style of yoga you practice, the important thing is to stay active and enjoy all the health benefits yoga can offer.
New and Improved Yoga Classes
We've expanded our offering of yoga classes, with new drop-in times that don't require any pre-registration and a FREE week of yoga to celebrate our move, as well as National Yoga Month. From September 24-28th, we'll be offering free yoga classes. Check out our schedule.

An intimate class for women and their infants with lots of individualized attention as you learn great poses for postpartum recovery and enjoy a serene space to bond with your newborn.
Another great class for expectant mothers that focuses on strength and flexibility, improving circulation, aiding digestion, exercising the spine and increasing overall comfort during pregnancy.
A great way to recover or prepare for any athletic event. Increase your core-strength, balance, flexibility and recovery time as you decrease your risk for injury with these specially targeted poses.
Celebrating Wellness in September
The Jade Integrated Health team celebrates wellness each month with some really great activities to stay active, happy and engaged in our community.
This month we volunteered for Portland Trails and did an afternoon of trail maintenance on the Bayside Trail (between Marginal Way and Somerset Street behind Planet Dog and Trader Joe's). Our projects included cleaning up and weeding rain gardens, trash pick up and removing invasive plants. Looking to get involved and help keep our trails beautiful and safe for everyone? Sign up now to help in October!
John and Nancy are glad to be able to offer workplace wellness for their entire team. They truly believe that the benefits are many, including lower levels of stress, better communication with fellow employees, improved physical fitness, and increased well-being, self-image and self-esteem.
Over the past year, Jade Integrated Health has offered activities that appeal to our wide range of employees and look forward to expand the range of topics over the next year, as we feel it's important to regularly practice the healthy lifestyle choices we recommend to our patients and clients by spending time together in a natural setting.
How Yoga Aids Digestion
We're celebrating the benefits of yoga all month, and we hope you are too by practicing at home and joining us for drop-in classes. Remember, all classes are FREE from September 24-28th! Need another reason to get moving on the yoga mat? Here's something to chew on: yoga can actually help with digestion.
Squeezing in a bit more Summer in Maine
Summertime is winding down in Southern Maine. Before the cold months descend upon us, it's time to catch those warm rays and enjoy some rest, recreation and relaxation. Here are some great activities you can enjoy with friends, family (or even on your own!) to squeeze in a bit more of summer fun before we head into fall.
Summer in the Parks Concerts
The Sunset Folk Series at the Western Prom Park was really fun and relaxing activity to wind down a busy summer day. The Friends of the Eastern Promenade Concert Series has a few dates left. Bring a picnic, some lawn chairs, and maybe a blanket or two so you can lay out while you enjoy music from Rock My Soul or the roots reggae group Royal Hammer. It's a terrific way to enjoy the outdoors and listen to great music with family or a group of friends. You can't beat the price, either (free!).
Go for a Run or Walk
There are so many incredible trails to run, walk or explore at your own pace in Portland. They're all picturesque, well-maintained, and safe ways of taking in some of the best sights Portland has to offer. If you haven't explored them yet, what are you waiting for? Here are three to get you started.
You can find even more suggestions at Healthy Maine Walks.
Explore Portland by Bike
Here's a fun day trip if you're looking for something more active and adventurous. This particular tour lets you see five of Portland's historic lighthouses. It's a five hour bike trip, so it may not be for the faint of heart. If you love being active, this should be right up your alley! Besides getting a nice workout, you'll learn a lot about Portland's history and enjoy a gourmet picnic along the way. If lighthouses aren't your thing, check out a dozen other bike tours.
Take in a Rooftop Film
You've heard of drive-in movies; now it's time to check out a walk-in movie theater! The rooftop of the Free St. Parking Garage in downtown Portland is a prime location for this summer series of totally free movie screenings. On Sunday, Septmeber 16th, you can enjoy a screening of The Royal Tenenbaums (2001).
Here are more ideas on how to get the most out of your last weeks of summer.
Breaking News: We're Moving!
We're getting ready to move to a new location
We also anticipate adding more services this fall. Stay tuned via Facebook and look for savings in this newsletter as well as our next one!
Portland Trails Trail to Ale 10k Race/Walk
Due to overcrowding on the course last year, the race's route has changed. This year, we're kicking things off from the Eastern Promenade to make sure everyone has plenty of space to run and walk at their own pace.
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Ready?.... Set?... Go! |
The race will end at East End Beach and with a short walk over to the Ocean Gateway you'll find a fun party with beer, pie and massage!
This is our second year providing pre-race yoga, as well as post-race yoga and massage. It's not too late to sign up. We're looking forward to you stopping by our tent.
We hope to see you all there!
Staying Healthy This Summer
Summer is fast-approaching, and the relentless heat, while enjoyable, can cause unwanted health concerns to rear their ugly heads. The most common health conditions brought on by summer weather and activities are dehydration and heatstroke, poison ivy, food-borne illnesses, mosquito bites, swimmer’s ear, and sunburn. Although all of these occur frequently during the summer months, the following two conditions are most common:
The most common and prevalent health concern people face is over exposure to the sun. Sunburns and tanning do not just change your appearance physically; they cause pain and discomfort, premature aging and wrinkles, and skin cancer.
If you do get sunburnt, we recommend that the following holistic health remedies:
- use aloe vera gel and white vinegar topically to soothe sunburns and help heal wounds
- soak tea bags in cool water and apply them to decrease pain and swelling if you have sunburnt eyelids
- wrap dry oatmeal in gauze and run water through it for a few minutes before removing the oatmeal, soaking a cloth in the leftover liquid, and applying the cloth to your skin every few hours.
Also, remember to remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water and take cool baths to soothe skin. You can always, however, avoid the trouble and protect yourself by using a sunscreen with a high SPF number.
Food Borne Illness
Bacteria thrives in hot, moist places, so summer weather is a breeding ground for bacteria. To eliminate the illnesses that occur as a result of food preparation or storage, clean your hands before and after handling food, separate raw meat from food that you consume, and store your food in cool places immediately after use. Not doing so can result in illnesses with unpleasant flu-like symptoms.
Ginger and coconut water are both known to ease the pain of an upset stomach. In case you find yourself with a food borne illness, boil freshly chopped ginger and cinnamon sticks to make a ginger tea, or buy some coconut water at your local health food store to soothe your stomach.
Follow these tips and have a happy and healthy summer.
The Complimentary Benefits of Yoga
The physical benefits of yoga are a wonderful way to compliment whatever sport or physical activity you love. Yoga stretches, strengthens, and invigorates the entire body and internal organs. It increases core strength, flexibility, range of motion, and improves balance. Practicing yoga as a form of cross-training will increase your performance and reduce the risk of injury. The postures and breath control in yoga are complimentary to athletes in increasing the longevity in their game. Yoga combines strength and flexibility, creating balance within the body.
The pain many athletes experience (bad backs, knees, tight hamstrings, sore feet) is not from the sport itself, it's from the imbalances that running or a repetitive movement cause. If you're off balance, your muscles are forced to work harder in compensation in each step you take, thus enforcing strong muscles to become stronger, and weak muscles to become weaker. This compensation puts strain on the muscles, joints, and the entire skeletal system. Athletes can use a consistent yoga practice to bring balance into all muscle groups, which will support and stabilize the skeletal system. This will allow the runner/athlete to be able to handle the force of impact and to avoid injury.
Mental Benefits of Yoga
Stress Relief
Prevention and Relief of Stress-Related Disorders
Increase in Memory
Greater Control of Emotions
Greater Ability to Focus and Concentrate
Physical Benefits of Yoga
Improved Flexibility and Balance
Improved Cardiovascular Endurance & Efficiency
Improved Core Strength
Increased Energy Levels
Increased Lung Capacity
Increased Blood Flow
Reduced Heart Rate
Enhanced Immune System
Improved Digestion
Relaxation of Muscles
Weight Control
- Maura Hintlian RYT
Joke of the Month
Eating Local / Seasonal Foods
What is the true mark of the Spring/Summer season? The outdoor farmers markets that sprout up in cities all over the country. Our local farmers market is heading back outdoors at the end of April, and it could not be more perfect timing!
Although the indoor winter market was great, we could all use some sun in our face and wind in our hair--in addition to fresh, delicious, and locally grown food, of course. Starting on April 28 through late November, the Maine Farmers Market will offer a variety of goodies (everything from meat and honey to fragrant flowers) from over 35 Maine farmers. The food sold is sure to be a healthy and enjoyable beginning, middle, and end of each of your days.
If you are planning to start your spring/summer cleanse, now is the perfect time. Visit the farmers market on the following days and in the following locations for Spring’s finest inspiration:
Saturdays at Deering Oaks Park in Portland from 7:00am-12:00pm
Wednesdays in Monument Square in Portland from 7:00am to 2:00pm
Introducing our Newest Jade Integrated Health Employee—Dash!
Please join us welcoming our newest and perhaps most loveable member of Jade Integrated Health—Dash, a Portuguese Water Dog. She has black hair, heart-melting round, dark eyes, and a tiny black nose. At maximum she will reach between 20 and 23 inches in height and between 42 to 60 pounds.
Although Portuguese Water Dogs are natural swimmers and, therefore, are sometimes used to assist fishermen at sea, Dash will join the Jade Integrated Health team in a different capacity. She is an extremely friendly and loyal curly-haired dog of exceptional intelligence that will assist our patients through the therapeutic process.
Her particular breed is highly trainable, obedient, and good with adults and children, meaning she will not only fit in our atmosphere, but she will be easily trained to work our patients. Affectionate and spirited, she offers mental and emotional support. Along with the support she offers, her warmth and good nature are sure to bring smiles to our patients’ faces, as well as improved health.
We look forward to you meeting Dash.
Make the Time Change Less Impactful by Reducing Stress
The sudden impact of the recent time change has undeniable effects on the human body. Believe it or not, one hour less of sleep and the change in light that results, interrupts your regular rhythm and weighs heavily on your stress level, as well as your ability to cope with stress. This added stress manifests itself in different ways, including jetlag effects that cause changes in mood, digestion, and immunity.
Colds, coughs, and upper respiratory infections, an inability to sleep, and an increase in gas and bloating are a few ways in which stress could potentially take its toll. In order to mitigate these effects, take time to find ways to lessen stress in other aspects of your life. Taking better care of yourself is crucial to avoiding such harsh impacts.
What are some ways you can boost immunity and regulate digestion? Do not allow the time change to let you stay up later and do not gravitate toward the unhealthy foods that the lack of sleep may cause you to crave. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to help your digestion and boost your immunity.
Stay healthy.
Balanced Energy, Balanced Life – Yoga, Acupuncture and Massage on Munjoy Hill
PORTLAND, Maine, September 14th, 2010 - Combating stress in modern life is a challenge for most, but for Cape Elizabeth resident Elisabeth Lombardo, it became a physical problem. "I work full-time, I have a young son, and my husband runs a business and travels frequently. As they say, 'something's gotta give'-and it did. I don't think I realized how stressed out I was until I became ill this spring." Lombardo was sent from specialist to specialist, and tested for "every disease under the sun, including cancer, kidney stones, and endometriosis." She even had surgery in May, but the doctors were ultimately unable to answer the question of what was wrong with her. "It seemed like they reached a dead end and there was nothing more they could do to help. I was desperate, though, because I was still experiencing pain on a daily basis."
That's when Lombardo decided to go to acupuncturist John Charlebois at Jade Integrated Health on Munjoy Hill. "I'd been to Jade a few years ago for whiplash treatment after a car accident. After jumping through all the hoops Western medicine had to offer this spring, I was ready to simplify and approach my physical issues from a different angle." Through weekly acupuncture treatments and consultations with Charlebois this summer, she has since eliminated inflammatory foods from her diet like dairy and gluten. She is also doing yoga and massage and taking Chinese herbs.
"Yoga, acupuncture and massage each offer health benefits, but when done together, the effect can be life-changing. At Jade Integrated health, we believe in treating the body as a whole, rather than trying to treat each symptom that comes along," says John Charlebois. "All 3 of these modalities have been proven to enhance the immune system and reduce stress." It has been calculated that 70-80 % of all visits to the doctor are for stress-related and stress-induced illnesses and that stress contributes to 50% of all illness in the U.S.
Meanwhile, Lombardo is on a path to recovery. "The pain that I was experiencing in my abdomen is largely gone now," she says. "I'm more relaxed in general, and more aware of my physical reactions when I am under stress. It sounds silly, but I am learning how to breathe again, the right way. And as an added benefit, my seasonal allergies are the best they've been in years!"
Jade Integrated Health is currently offering a package of 7 weeks of yoga, one acupuncture treatment and one massage for $200.00. Jade also offers Physical Therapy, prenatal massage, Mommy and Baby Yoga and a brand new Yoga For Guys class.
Portland’s Jade Trade Clinic Changes Name to “Jade Integrated Health”
PORTLAND, Maine August 24, 2010 - Jade Trade, a provider of health and wellness services in Portland's East End, has announced that it has changed its name to "Jade Integrated Health." The clinic provides rehabilitative services that incorporate acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, traditional Chinese medicine and yoga.
"We changed our name to reflect not only the full range of services we offer, but also our approach to the health and well-being of our patients," says John Charlebois, who together with his wife Nancy is the owner and founder of the center. "We appreciate that our treatments are built around an integrated effort and want this to be the focus for our future growth." John's expertise is in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, while Nancy, who is a licensed physical therapist, provides physical therapy treatment and massage therapy services.
"Our name change is really a reflection of our center's evolution in the community," says Nancy. "Our growth has been organic; Jade Integrated Health has added services according to what our clients have asked for over the years." Jade Trade opened its doors in April 2001, offering acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Later, it expanded to include Nancy's physical therapy practice. In the spring of 2008, Jade Integrated Health also began to offer yoga.
"Not only are we committed to responding to our clients' needs, we are also responding to a need in the community for an enhanced level of health and well-being that our combined services offer," says John, "and that feels good."
About Jade Integrated Health:
John Charlebois is a licensed acupuncturist specializing in traditional Chinese medicine. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA of Science and Rehabilitation Administration from Springfield College in Massachusetts. John then attained his Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tui Na AOBTA Certification, National Certification in Herbology at the Academy of Oriental Medicine in Austin, Texas.
Nancy Charlebois is a licensed physical therapist and massage therapist. She graduated in 1996 from Springfield College with her Master's Degree in Physical Therapy. Nancy has worked in a variety of treatment settings, from a neonatal intensive care unit to nursing homes during her 14 year career. Since moving to Maine, she has developed a strong outpatient orthopedic focus working with patients experiencing pain. She also specializes in women's health physical therapy.National Certification in Herbology at the Academy of Oriental Medicine in Austin, Texas.
For more information about Jade Integrated Health, visit To schedule an interview with John or Nancy Charlebois, please contact Jodi Phinney at 773-5778 or
Jade Integrated Health
Jodi Phinney
Marketing and Public Relation
phone: 207-773-5778
Books, Food, Smiles and Friends
The Good Things In Life
To bring balance into a full social calendar, I have been enjoying time at the beach reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", the first of a new bestselling trilogy, finding inner stillness through my yoga practice and swimming, and experiencing the incredibly interesting and healing effects of acupuncture with John.
This has indeed been a summer that I will not forget.
- MauraSummer of Metamorphosis
My 5 Favorite Memories
In no particular order:
5. Planting and picking from our summer garden with my son Bowen.
4. Finding a caterpillar in said garden, placing it in a jar, watching it transform into an amazing Swallowtail butterfly and then releasing it back to the garden.
3. Watching Hudson bear crawl towards the ocean like a baby sea turtle heading towards home.
2. Golfing.
1. Visiting the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay.
- Nancy