Keep Your Home Yoga Practice New and Interesting

Keep Your Home Yoga Practice New and Interesting

Find yourself doing the same sequences over and over again? We can help!! Our providers can advance your home yoga practice, while being mindful of any injuries or restrictions. We design personalized yoga flows, which can be tailored as your practice progresses, keeping you injury free and active.

Holiday Self Care

Holiday Self Care

In the hubbub of a holiday with family, it is challenging to find space and time for self care. It is easy to let the little moments pass you by without actually enjoying yourself. This is a lovely opportunity to realize that your self care doesn’t have to be something that takes you away from your life. It can be something that adds texture and enjoyment to life.

Transition to Fall

Transition to Fall

As the hot summer air cools, children go back to school, the trees start to change, and the state of Maine moves into the Fall season. Whether your schedule changes with the transition into Autumn or not, it is likely you will feel the effects of seasonal change, and can capitalize on it.