Physical Therapy

Staying Well in the Summer Heat: Physical Therapy

Summer Exercise

If it's physical, it's therapy!  As we have finally met up with our warm weather and longer days, it's great to be outdoors again exercising.  Here are a few summer exercise tips:

  1. On hot days, break up your workout into 2 sessions to avoid the heat.  Get outside in the early am and then do a follow up workout in the evening. You'll boost your metabolism twice during the day and can get in some variety. Bike in the AM followed by run in the PM anyone?
  2. Stretch AFTER a brief warm up.  Warmed up muscles are more elastic so you will get more out of your stretching.
  3. Hydrate and take cover! Signs of heat exhaustion include dizziness, weakness, nausea, muscle cramps, inability to sweat and the feeling of being cold.
  4. On poor air quality days, take it inside.  Join a class, jump in a pool or go to the gym.
  5. Want a refreshing, cool and easy summer beverage? Add a few slices of cucumber to your water and let it set for a few minutes.  Gulp, gulp....ahhh.

- Nancy Charlebois PT, MT

The Myth of Improper Alignment and Relief

Cranial Sacral Therapy Explained

Optimal health includes and resounds from proper alignment of all body tissues; adjustments in alignment is one of the many options to accomplish this goal. For those who work in the physical medicine field, D.O.'s chiropractors and physical therapists, to name a few, adjustments are one of the many treatment options to use where appropriate.

There are many ways to accomplish the relief that comes with neutral alignment. One very gentle way is through the hands on technique of Cranial Sacral Therapy. Through this very light touch approach, a therapist can use the body's own fluid and innate healing ability to release tissue strain and tension.

When strain is released from the tissues, the pull ( out of alignment) is resolved and thus, the bone return to their natural and neutral resting place. All of this, in turn, leads to comfort and relief and allows the body to regain balance, alignment and health.

- Sarah Wolf DPT

The Myth of Improper Alignment and Relief

Cranial Sacral Therapy Explained

Optimal health includes and resounds from proper alignment of all body tissues; adjustments in alignment is one of the many options to accomplish this goal.  For those who work in the physical medicine field, D.O.'s chiropractors and physical therapists, to name a few, adjustments are one of the many treatment options to use where appropriate. 

There are many ways to accomplish the relief  that comes with neutral alignment.  One very gentle way is through the  hands on technique of Cranial Sacral Therapy.  Through this very light touch approach, a therapist can use the body's own fluid and innate healing ability to release tissue strain  and tension.

When strain is released from the tissues, the pull ( out of alignment) is resolved and thus, the bone return to their natural and neutral resting place.  All of this, in turn, leads to comfort and relief and allows the body to regain balance, alignment and health.

- Sarah Wolf DPT

The Importance of Good Posture

It can help you feel better

Posture is important in everything you do.  Here are some easy tips to be aware of as you move through your day:

  • Tuck in your chest.  Imagine lifting through the crown of your head towards the sky.
  • Gently lift your sternum or breastbone.
  • Pull in lower abdominals.  Imagine pulling your belly button in towards your spine as your pelvis tilts underneath you.

- Nancy Charlebois, PT, MT