Defining Qigong & its Numerous Health Benefits

Defining Qigong & its Numerous Health Benefits

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Daoist religion have a long history of utilizing preventative medicine, or Longevity Techniques, to improve patient outcomes. Known as YangSheng, these practices include guidance on sleep, diet, herbal supplementation, meditation, and exercise used to nourish the Three Treasures of Jing, Qi, and Shen (Body, Breath, and Spirit). The exercise portion of YangSheng are collectively known today as Qigong.

Why We Need to Start Considering Our Menstrual Cycles As An Important Barometer for Health

Why We Need to Start Considering Our Menstrual Cycles As An Important Barometer for Health

Women who experience irregular periods with longer menstrual cycles have been associated with a higher risk of ovarian cancer, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, mental health issues and now, a shortened lifespan. At Jade Integrated Health, we are a team of practitioners who are devoted to promoting women’s health and longevity. We integrate physical therapy for pelvic health, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to balance menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause states in a woman’s life.

Enhancing Immunity, Reducing Stress and Disease

Enhancing Immunity, Reducing Stress and Disease

Why is it difficult to gain traction toward your goals with “simple”? Because you're stressed so everything seems more difficult and the time you have to devote to yourself may appear not to exist. That is fertile ground for your “Stress Cycle”, to continue, perhaps freshly enhanced. Time to take a step back and get your power back.

Why Should You Schedule a Massage Today?

Why Should You Schedule a Massage Today?

Sure, a massage sounds nice. You'll get one....maybe...someday. But perhaps it seems a little self indulgent, or it's just not the first thing on your to-do list. And so you put it off. I've done the same thing, honestly. There's so much going on in life! Who's got time to lie on a table for an hour?

And then I remind myself that a good massage is a lot more than relaxing. A massage benefits your overall health in sometimes surprising ways.

Knowing the Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Knowing the Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

The weeks and months after having a baby are some of the most wonderful in any mother’s life, but they can also be some of the hardest. With up to 1 in 5 new mothers experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety, there is no shame in experiencing these conflicting feelings, and yet the signs of these conditions aren’t talked about enough. In this blog we’ll discuss signs and symptoms of postpartum anxiety and depression as well as support options.