Enhancing Immunity, Reducing Stress and Disease

When we think about stress as a factor in the exacerbation of any disease, the simplest and most common advice may also be the most challenging: “just relax.” Simple is good, but 24 years of experience in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture shows that simple is rarely easy. Why is it difficult to gain traction toward your goals with “simple”?  Because you're stressed, so everything seems more difficult and the time you have to devote to yourself may be seemingly non-existent. That is fertile ground for your “stress cycle”, to continue, perhaps freshly enhanced. Time to take a step back and reclaim your power.

Data proves, almost on a daily basis, that stress plays a powerful role in our ability to fight disease and age gracefully. The latest study from the University of Southern California identifies body chemistry associated with stress as an accelerator of the immune system’s early demise. U of C was the motivator behind the study to understand why certain people’s recovery stalled or was insufficient enough to bring a desirable outcome. Data from many cases determined a connection between intense and endured levels of stress chemistry experienced during life diminished what makes the immune system vital. Fresh immunity, or newly produced immune cells in the blood, enable us to fight infection, overcome cancer, and reduce cardiovascular disease. In short, fresh immunity is good on so many levels.

Clinical experience has indicated quite clearly to my patients and myself that Acupuncture can drastically reduce the stress response of the body, mind, and spirit. In part of the emerging body of scientific research, Doctors Kristin Sparrow and Brenda Goklianu have clarified this effect of acupuncture’s balancing stress chemistry over time. By monitoring heart rate recovery and variability while experiencing traditional acupuncture, stress indicators became less apparent. The research in the National Library of Medicine strongly associates acupuncture treatments with reduced stress. Simply put, stress ages your immunity; acupuncture reduces the stress response allowing restored immunity. The lasting foundations for reducing the stress dynamic and enjoying wellness are lifestyle behaviors such as exercise that excites and energizes, a balanced relationship to food and diet, and the existence of love and purpose in your life. 

Simple but not always easy, so let us help you take further steps in this journey. Calling us with questions really is easy!