4 Stretches for Desk-Bound Folks

Sitting at a desk (or maybe your couch or kitchen table) for long periods of time can seriously impact our bodies. At Jade Integrated Health, we treat desk-bound patients for a variety of problems, such as neck or shoulder pain, headaches, back pain, sciatica and more.

One of the tips we give all our patients who have sedentary jobs is to take breaks. Taking consistent and regular breaks to stretch and move can alleviate pain or discomfort, stiffness and lessen the long term impact on one’s body. Breaks can also help improve concentration, mood, and productivity.

Below we have outlined a few simple stretches to integrate into your work day. (As always, please consult your doctor if you are starting a new physical activity and make sure all movements/stretches are pain-free)

Photo: HEP2GO.com

Shoulder Rolls

Move your shoulders in a circular pattern as shown so that your are moving in an up, back and down direction. Perform small circles if needed for comfort.

Emphasis the back and down

Repeat 10 Times

Perform 2 Times a Day

Photo: HEP2GO.com


Begin by retracting your head back into a chin tuck position. Next, move your head towards one side with the help of your hand for light pressure.

Do both sides

Hold for 3 seconds

Repeat 5 Times

Photo: ergomomma.wordpress.com


While standing, clasp hands behind, Tuck chin. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the same time. Now gently pull the hands away from your body.

Hold 5 Seconds

Perform 2 Times a Day

Photo: livin3.com/desk-exercises


Sit on the edge of a chair with your spine in neutral. While sitting slide your hands back on your thighs while arching your back as far as you can comfortably. Slide the hands forward on your thighs and round the back. Repeat nice and slow without pain.

Repeat 10 Times

Perform 2 Times a Day

Interested in desk ergonomics? Check out the video below from our physical therapy team.

At Jade Integrated Health, we can help you alleviate pain or discomfort from desk work with our integrated approach. Using a combination of physical therapy, acupuncture, and yoga therapy, our experienced providers can get you feeling better faster. Call today to set up a consult or your first appointment.