If it's not a hernia, then what is it?

Have you ever had a persistent groin or lower abdominal pain that you and your doctor can’t identify? 

Perhaps your symptoms started gradually, only happening when you sat too long at the office, lifted something heavy, or wore your favorite pair of jeans. Then over the course of months your symptoms became more frequent, intense, and at times radiating into your groin. You and your doctor may have ruled out any medical condition and tried out anti-inflammatory medicine but nothing seems to help relieve the pain. 

Often lower abdominal and groin pain can be quite tricky to sort out. What feels like a hernia may be related to imbalance of the abdominal, hip and pelvic region. At Jade Integrated Health, we are trained at assessing the bones, muscles, ligaments and nerves in this complex region. An in depth evaluation can reveal areas of weakness, soft tissue scarring, nerve entrapment or lack of tissue mobility that can be addressed. Every patient has unique findings and different goals to their care to resolve the issue. An individualized custom program will be progressed regularly to help you get where you want to be. 

If you are having pain, talk to your doctor and give us a call. Don’t live in pain any longer!