Heart Strong: Yoga & Unconditional Love - Part 2

Yoga is not only good for the physiological aspects of heart health, it is the ultimate expression of self acceptance, the true nature of self love.

We know that yoga, like all exercise, can improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels by boosting metabolism, and can lower blood pressure by facilitating artery relaxation. However, yoga also drastically improves the body's ability to knock down some of the psychosocial factors that place us at risk for heart related issues in the first place. Stress, depression and anxiety can all be mitigated with the help of yoga. The breath and movement associated with the practice of yoga reduces an overactive sympathetic nervous system further lowering risks for heart disease, inflammation and high blood pressure.

The physiology of the heart can also be viewed through the lens of the chakra system. Anahata Chakra, or the heart chakra literally means “unstruck” in Sanskrit. This chakra governs the biomechanical structures of the heart, arms, hands, lungs, and thymus. The emotional body of Ahata Chakra relates to; self worth, reciprocity, compassion, trust, and boundary setting. When this chakra is out of balance we can feel lonely, disconnected, unworthy or resentful. We can also model some cold hearted or people pleasing behavior. Yoga helps bring the heart chakra back into balance by invoking the breath, drowning out negative self-talk, drawing awareness to what feels good or just OK, rather than what feels difficult or uncomfortable, and by reminding you over and over that you have nothing to prove. 

Try these 5 heart opening, chakra clearing poses as part of your self love practice.

Anahatasana - Puppy pose

Bhujangasana - Cobra

Ustrasana - Camel Pose

Camatkrasana Variation - Modified Wild Thing

This February take time to foster your yoga practice, especially those heart openers. Learn a little self compassion for the health of your mind and body. Your heart will thank you! <3

photo credits to yogajornal.com & jivayogalive.com