Dry Needling Therapy in Portland and Brunswick, ME

The basics

Dry needling is a geographic type of acupuncture with focal treatment to muscular trigger points. Typically, you will see your physical therapist for 30 minutes and then an acupuncturist for 30 minutes. Our dry needling sessions will always be performed by an experienced, licensed acupuncturist. While dry needling is in the scope of practice of physical therapists, acupuncturists are considered the experts with needle insertion given the 2,000+ hours of training that they receive. That is why, at Jade, our patients receive dry needling from acupuncturists.



Since dry needling is a localized treatment to an area of pain, it most effectively treats muscular or musculoskeletal pain. It may also relieve joint stiffness and pain.

Schedule a Free 30-minute consult or appointment today!