Jade Integrated Health

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Transition to Fall

As the hot summer air cools, children go back to school, the trees start to change, and the state of Maine moves into the Fall season. Whether your schedule changes with the transition into Autumn or not, it is likely you will feel the effects of seasonal change, and can capitalize on it. This seasonal change is a particularly good time to set resolutions, take time to feel grounded and to be creative. As Autumn approaches, you may notice that you feel a little unfocused, that your body craves movement and your thoughts are anxious. Use this transition time to focus on formulating ideas and planning for the colder weather rather than making decisions or taking action. 

There is a tendency to be more active in the summer months and sedentary as the cold weather starts, especially in the four-season climate of Maine. At Jade, we frequently see injuries in the Spring due to this pattern of active summers and sedentary winters. As you make your winter plans set aside time to stay active. Be realistic about your likelihood to get outside and make plans to have backup indoor activities, such as yoga, walking on a treadmill or going to the gym.

Your body is transitioning from tolerating heat to tolerating cold. You can support this transition by selecting warm foods and drinks. Try to avoid caffeinated drinks and raw or dry foods. Take some time to layer up and get outside for a walk or to meditate in the fresh air. Maybe take a warm bath and make sure to keep a regular sleep schedule. Light a candle to welcome some light and warmth into the indoors as the days shorten. Put some energy into a project at home such as painting a room or organizing a closet to better settle into your indoor space. 

A time of transition can be unsettling and feel out of control, so whatever you choose to do, make sure they are choices that support a feeling of security, warmth, creativity and calm. With the trees as your inspiration, capture some serenity in the face of brilliant change.    

Grace Bedard DPT, CYT is a physical therapist and certified yoga teacher at Jade Brunswick. Grace graduated with her doctorate in Physical Therapy in May 2016 from Sage Graduate School in Troy NY. Grace brings all aspects of her experience in yoga and PT together at Jade and provides Physical Therapy that integrates holistic care, is patient focused, and supports a healthy lifestyle.