Jade Integrated Health

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My Journey with Acupuncture & Allergies

Sarra Maddocks CYT

Fitness Studio Program Coordinator

I have been a seasonal allergy sufferer my whole life, and spring is the worst for me! Spring is the time of year my three worst offenders have free reign over the air I breathe. Leaf mold, and Ash and Willow pollen are what incessantly irritates my sinuses setting off a cascade of histamine. It feels like I’m fighting a cold. My chest hurts , my throat is sore, and of course my nose either runs, or I can’t use it at all. Then there are the subtler more insidious responses that took years to figure out were part of the allergy cycle; dry tired eyes, and brain fog. It’s no fun feeling everyday that you’re suffering from the aftermath of a big weekend. For me, the symptoms of my allergies last until our entire state is blanketed in fresh green grass and for Maine, it could be June before that happens!

Last year was no exception, I was suffering, sneezing, tripping over words, and feeling generally out of it. It was suggested I try acupuncture to relieve some of these symptoms. I’ve tried all the over-the-counter remedies; pseudophed, benadryl, claritin, allegra and flonase. All with limited success and often with side effects worse than my allergy symptoms! So I decided to give acupuncture a try. I booked a session with one of the acupuncturists here at Jade, shared all my symptoms, had my tongue looked at, my pulse taken on both wrists, then she had me lay down and needled me all over.

Now, I need to add the disclaimer, acupuncture needles do not hurt, usually, and if you close your eyes you don’t even see them. If there is any stinging or pressure, it goes right away. Acupuncture needles are not hypodermic needles. Acupuncture needles are solid (not hollow) and about .12 to .35mm (about the size of a thin human hair). If you have a fear of needles, I encourage you to meet with an acupuncturist and explore that conversation with a licensed and experience provider.

Back to my allergy relief! During my session, it felt like I was floating. An hour went by like that, and I felt the sinus pressure in my face and along the back of my neck dissipate. After my provider removed all the points, she told me I’d see my symptoms abate over the course of a few days, and recommended an herbal compound to specifically target the mold allergy. The effect was wondrous. By that evening the chronic, nagging feeling that I was constantly fighting a cold was gone! My sinuses drained and after a day or so the brain fog rolled out. I was me again! And the amazing thing is that one treatment was all it took for an entire season's worth of relief!

You better believe I booked myself in to get back on that table this Spring, and the results are just as substantial. To relieve the dry eye symptom, my acupuncturist placed points toward the inner corner of my eyes close to the nose and these ones were a bit stingy, but I literally felt my tear ducts rush open. It was like my eyes got to take a very big and much needed drink of water. So, if you suffer during allergy season, if you’ve tried it all, or if you just want a more holistic approach to your care, try acupuncture. It’s my go to now!

Call to schedule an appointment or 30 minute consult with an acupuncturist today!