Jade Integrated Health

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Mom and Baby Yoga at Jade Integrated Health

Join Sarah Geores CYT, E-RYT for Mom and Baby Yoga at our Portland fitness studio, 10am on Mondays.

At Mom and Baby Yoga, we hope to support families through the transition of adding a little one to the household. This class is specifically designed to support mama and focus on postpartum movement, needs and challenges. Being able to return to yoga will help reconnect to a new and changed postpartum body, lifestyle and mind.

Inviting baby to class allows mom to participate with more ease and convenience. In an effort towards balance in a new parent’s life, this class places an emphasis on supporting the parent rather than focusing on the baby. Babies participate a little during class. Some days are louder, some days are wigglier, some days are droolier. However a parent and baby show up to yoga class is exactly the best way!

This yoga classes creates space for the mama. During this Mom and Baby Yoga class, we focus on letting mom learn how to slow her breath and find an internal calm, especially when baby is fussy. Attention is placed on observation of how baby reacts to the changes in the energy of the room as moms are cued to focus inward to observe their own bodies.

The presence of baby allows families to gather together and build community with people in a similar stage of life. Come, enjoy, find your happy baby and practice with us at Jade through whatever life brings!